Cyber Security

The internet is the new playground for criminals. Fraud and data hijacking have become big business for many gangs from many countries around the world. The Internet has no borders and as a result, the threats can originate from the other side of the road or the other side of the world.

QD Tech work with a number of industry standard providers to help customers secure their networks.

  • Palo Alto
  • Fortinet
  • iBoss
  • Cisco
  • FortiGate
  • Malwarebytes
  • Mimecast


Perimeter Security

We have all heard of firewalls and may have even configured them at home. They are the gate keeper to any Local Area Network (LAN) and as such need to be given special attention in a business of any size.

In years past, firewalls provided basic security by controlling what traffic could enter or leave a network. Today that alone is simply not enough. Modern threats are far more insidious and as a result the tools used to combat them need to be more intelligent.

Next Generation Firewalls employ a range of additional security features in order to combat the ever-growing array of threats. These include URL Filtering, SSL Decryption, Malware detection and Geo-IP Blocking.

QD Tech can recommend and deploy a wide range of products which provide some or all of these Next Generation features.


Endpoint Security

No matter how powerful your Perimeter Security, occasionally something makes it past the firewall or is introduced via USB sticks. In these cases good Endpoint Protection or Anti-Virus, as it’s often referred to, is vital.

QD Tech has vast experience in deploying and managing these products. We will work with you to help you select the product that fits your complexity and budget.

Enquire Call 0207 859 4593



Call 0207 859 4593

The Foundry, 156 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8EN